Friday, November 18, 2016

What's After Senior Year?

We have all waited and yearned for our final year of high-school, but now that this year has come about, many if not all of us are wondering what we are going to do after our senior year. The way I see it there really are only two choices right after high-school. A student can either go to college, which would mean another four years of schooling, or the option to go directly into the work force. I for one lean towards the whole going to college idea. However I have come to question this very idea and wonder what it would be to simply not attend college.

1 comment:

  1. You should go to college even you doubt it cause it's a different type of scenario there. Go to community college at least and get the core classes out of the way and focus and what you love and want to do. You can look into other classes that might interest you, as well as meet like minded people. Do It Man! I don't think you would regret going to college.
