Monday, March 13, 2017

AF: Your topics and ideas, so far

What are the long term costs of cheap food?
What are the reasons behind the rise in childhood obesity?
Is it possible to eat the same meal and still be healthy?
Why is all the healthy food more expensive than unhealthy food?
junk food epidemic
Why do people waste food?
Why is junk food continuing to be mislead by people?
What effect will cultured mean have on our bodies as well as our economy?
Why is fast food such a part of our daily lives and what is its overall costs on society?
How do food borne illnesses affect our lives?
What is the future of food technology?  Processing? GMOs?
How is fast food marketed to children?
junk  food tax
How do food manufacturers mislead us through food labeling?
How is food used as a social/political weapon?
The benefits and costs of removing artificial  food colorings
How can we change the way students eat in school?
What are the repurcussions of food wast and how can we help reduce it?
Can we rely on food labels to tell us the truth?
Is it the school's responsibility to provide a nutritious lunch at school?
Would a tax on junk food decrease obesity?
fortified foods/school lunches./GMOs
How does social media impact the way we eat?
cleanliness of animals raised for food
psychology of food
how much at fault are schools for childhood obesity and are they wrong for the food they serve
What is the outcome of the massive disposal of food deemed "undesireable?"
how far reaching is the influence of the food industry today?
How is processed food connected to obesity and cancer?
What is really going on behind animal  farms?
What is put in our food the preserve it?
Why won't they tell us the truth about the ingredients in our food?
Healthier school lunches

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