Monday, March 20, 2017

My next step

For my next step in my research paper, I plan to simply do the format that Mrs. Fletcher showed to the class. Which was to break down how many paragraphs I would possibly need to complete this 6 page essay and then just brainstorm ideas for the paragraphs, after that I want to find all the research to fill in my empty places. I have fallen short on where exactly to start and how to put it all on my paper. I also feel like I'm going to fall in a trap where I start to repeat myself and that is something that I want to avoid so bad.Figuring out how to write this paper and find the research is a challenge. The research part is not really the most challenging part, but it is the structure of how to write this paper. I want to write a good research paper, I know that is will not be perfect , but I want it to be good. This paper is definitely a challenge so far, I have never wrote a 6 page essay in all my high school career. A goal for me will to conquer this paper wit confidence and continue to push through this task without giving up as I finish up my paper. It dawns on me often that college is not going to be any easier, so why not just get it done now in high school. That way in college when I am assigned a research paper I can tackle it with ease.

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