Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pass It Down

Ever since we started this food unit, I will say it did change the way I think or eat food. As for my conscious I always new what happened to animals and how food is all GMO. There is a part of me that wants to be all vegan after watching those slaughter house videos, but I know it doesn't work that way and it went change the way the slaughter any sooner, but it did teach me to appreciate food even more. I think if anyone can go back 4 years and change their knowledge they know right now they would. In some ways I feel nothing would change to me because I was younger and didn't cook nor pay for my food. I would tell others though, what they can do to help the world and themselves. The way I would try to change people's food habits and the way they eat, I'd probably tell them some facts and have food to back me up. I mean a little can make a big difference so if I pass down facts, hopefully that person would show an interest and pass it on, and so on. I have high hopes the world will improve in the future how our food cycle works.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that this essay did raise awaeness if the foods we eat and where they ate from, but I personally wouldn't go as far as to be a vegan. Maybe your paper did make some people think about they're food more, and could actually change some minds, but all in all good job!
