Friday, March 10, 2017

Food and Poverty

Poverty  is increasingly becoming an epidemic all around the world. Why? At the rate and quantity that we are producing food there is no way that anyone on the planet should be hungry. America has so much food that they are throwing away produce that "isn't the right size, shape, or color." If we can distribute that wasted food to the poor and homeless, I imagine there would be a huge drop in the poverty population. For many people in the city there are miles in between them and the nearest grocery store. There are more McDonald's on every corner than grocery stores. When you do not have money every dollar counts, so if you had five dollars to feed a family of six are you going to buy a head of lettuce or a few burritos from Taco Bell? This topic begs the question of what is the government doing to help not only the hungry, but to help the overall health of the nation. In America out government is based on only the strong survive basis, so if you can't get out there get an education and make some money you will probably be doomed. For those people who don't have those opportunities how do they figure out how to survive? The inevitable end to this scenario is obesity in America and the impending downfall of the poor.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying because I tend to see McDonald's on every corner. There need to be more framers market then just on Tuesdays or Thursdays and there also needs to be more grocery store, you have to drive miles just to get to one. Everything you said is true because people are going to go for the few burritos because people choose burritos over lettuce to make a salad.
