Monday, March 13, 2017

Food Advertisement

This article talks about the impact food advertisements have on both children and adults. These ads are seen everywhere, television, computer, portal devices, magazines, radio, etc. Outdoor ads are also used to entice people walking around in spaces daily. It has been seen that these ads are not promoting healthy foods such as your fruits and vegetables, but junk food. These ads target low income neighborhoods because it is an effective marketing system. Low income families have less time at home to cook or healthy alternatives are expensive so fast food is the way to go. These ads can also have an impact on the behavior of these people. If they target kids by exposing them to alcohol this can be used to entice them to drink it. This has an impact in health and the environment because ads are linked to the rise of obesity. If you constantly see food in front of you it makes you hungry. These ads target low-income black and hispanic communities with high poverty rates, which affect them because it places them in a system of bad eating habits and higher rates of obesity. On the other hand, as more focus is put on this subject it could be used to motivate people to make better choices. It the article, it tells of community advocators regulating where these ads can be put up. This could help gain awareness and "shed a light" in the community. Ads are getting smarter; moreover, with the digital age ads are being more creative and expansive as ever using creators and notable people online to promote their product. Less-healthy foods are being promoted more than ever, so it is a constant battle in fighting over what is being put right in front of you. People should see pass this and companies are only making the problems of obesity worse with these advertisements.

1 comment:

  1. I think since younger kids have technology they see the advertisements and just stay inside to eat the junk food. I agree these food advertisements are causing more problems.
