Monday, March 27, 2017

Understanding the Politics of Food

How has your mindset changed about our country? About what you eat? About your consciousness?

Before starting this unit about food politics, my knowledge of food was extremely limited. At the beginning of this lesson when we were asked to think of the last meal that we ate and then track that food back from our plate to the farm where it was grown, I had a difficult time. Doing that now would be exponentially easier for me after learning about how food gets from the farm to our tables. Knowing this process has made me think about where my food comes from and if it was sprayed with chemicals or if the animal I am eating was forced to live a miserable life in a crowded cage packed with other animals.

It surprised me that I did not know much about the food I eat. When I started to question why, I realized that it is because of our country and, although this may sound harsh, the selfish people who live in it. Big companies want to pile in money, they do not care about the damage that it can cause to the planet or how it harms livestock. I learned that theses companies do not care about my, or any other customers, well being all they care about is getting rich.

Since this unit began I have been more aware of the food that I have been eating. I no longer eat fast food and have no urge to. Knowing how processed all of that food is and how horribly animals are treated for it to be so cheap, made me stop eating it and I will never continue to do so again. I no longer mindlessly eat food when I am hungry or bored but actually consider what I am putting into my body.

Do you think that this unit has changed you? How do you incorporate the information you learned from this unit into your daily lives?

1 comment:

  1. Well said, and this unit has changed me and my eating habits. I now think of the process of how my food is developed also.
